Gent Life. - Lifestyle Guide: Make Your Impossible… Possible

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We at Gent Life would like to take a moment to honor the 41st President of the United States, George HW Bush. A gentleman should always put his personal interests behind those who depend on him and President Bush’s life is indicative of such values.

Like so many others of The Greatest Generation Mr. Bush stepped away from everyday life, leaving college to defend our country. Shot down and rescued at sea, he served with distinction for the duration of WWII as a US Navy pilot. And also like those of his generation, he fully accepted the risks of war.  The son of wealthy parents, he could have avoided the call as others had done but this was not who he was. Mr. Bush always put the nation first accepting responsibility for what had-to-be-done, not what was politically or personally advantageous. 

The son of wealthy parents, he could have avoided the call like many others but this was not who he was. Mr. Bush always put the nation first accepting responsibility for what had-to-be-done, not what was personal or politically advantageous.

In 1990, he had the foresight as President not to involve the country in a protracted war at the cost of lives and indefensible debt in Iraq (Operation Desert Storm). He and his advisors recognized that stability in the region was a preferable solution and in doing so drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait.

As the country battled recession it was President Bush who told the country “read my lips, no new taxes”? But in 1990, with National Debt hitting historical numbers Bush went back on his promise. He had the fortitude to do what was right for the country likely costing him his re-election in 1992. As a result, the country was poised for economic development with interest and inflation rates at their lowest in years.

Following his life in politics, George HW Bush worked with many other politicians including former Democratic rival President Clinton on philanthropic and humanitarian initiatives. If Profiles in Courage were written today George HW Bush would certainly be among them. We honor his life and service!

Cheers, Gents!

James E. McAleer
Retired, History Teacher
Queens, NY

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