Gent Life. - Lifestyle Guide: Make Your Impossible… Possible

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Napa Valley is quite the adventure! Wine lover or not, the topography is beautiful, the history amazed us and restaurants we’ll return to. That said, there is so much to do and see it can be overwhelming. Where to begin?!  

Here are 3  wineries we HIGHLY recommend:


If you’re a Chardonnay fanatic, you’ve probably seen and tasted ‘Butter’ by JaM Cellars (the #2 selling Chardonnay $12+ in the US). ‘JaM’ is an acronym for ‘John Anthony and Michele Truchard, owners of the John Anthony Family of Wines.  

In 2018, the vintners reconstructed & renovated a Pennsylvania church built in 1886 on a 4 acre plot of Sauvignon Blanc vines. It’s absolutely stunning in and out. The exclusive property may be visited by invitation only: Try Here   We tasted several wines including the Sauvignon Blanc grown right on the Church property.  

Getting to know John and Michele through their trusted wine ambassador Jeremy Jones made our day. Aside from Jeremy’s knowledge of the wines and family, it was his hospitality and warmth we fell in love with!    

Tip: Ask Jeremy if he’ll give you a private tour of the Truchard’s other properties 


Imagine a modern lab where all the study / experiment on premises is making the greatest wine possible… that is the description of Opus One. Its vision was born on the dreams of Napa vintner Robert Mondavi & Baron Philippe de Rothchild in Bordeaux, France. In short, bringing the secrets of Earth’s greatest wine-making regions together for the perfect blend.  

The visitor experience however, is top notch and worth the added dollars for VIP where you’ll taste 3 very different years. We had a 2006, 2015 and 2017… each a time capsule complete with description of what those seasons brought in terms of environmental gifts and challenges. 

*Upon completion of the tasting, pick the glass you liked most! (I chose the 2015)  

Tip: Most wineries will allow you to purchase a bottle from them & discount your tour admission. Imagine an $80 bottle for only $30?!


In 1972 President Nixon was the first US president to make an official state-visit to China since World War II. He brought with him a bottle of Blanc de Blancs from Schramsberg. You’ll see the ‘Toast to Peace’ photo between Nixon and China Premier Zhou Enlai upon entering the lobby for your cave tour & tasting. That alone blew our mind! The tour director kindly pointed out the wine has been served by every US Presidential administration since with the photos and menus right there for all to view.

Following that astounding history lesson, the tour took place in the cool 60 degree caves where we tasted several sparkling wines by candlelight. They were all fantastic! Between that and the winery’s regal record, Yadia signed us up for membership in the Cellars Club with no protest from me, whatsoever!

Tip: There are actually several levels of membership making it more feasible depending on your ability and interest. It grants you free tours when on property, discounted price on exclusive events, wine and merchandise. You might see me in a sporty new baseball cap. 


We didn’t realize the food in Napa was as good as the wine! Since the trail can be as long as 45 mins to an hour of driving, be sure to ‘map out’ your day strategically in proximity to your meals. If you’re planning to drink beyond the tastings at each stop… you may want to hire a driver or uber / lyft.


Cheers, gents!


By, Brian McAleer

CEO & Co-Founder

Gent Life


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