Gent Life. - Lifestyle Guide: Make Your Impossible… Possible

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Tight streets and alleys, buildings that date back centuries while enjoying food, drink, culture (and sure, all the hash or marijuana joints one can smoke). here are our best sites and experiences in Amsterdam:


The Renaissance: Amsterdam: There isn’t anything incredibly special about this hotel, however, its location is a 5-10 minute walk from the Eurostar and is at the doorstep to everything you’ll want to experience in Amsterdam. The whole town moves on bike.

Bonus:  It’s also a Marriott Bonvoy location where you can use & earn points toward more travel! They had lovely amenities, we just used the time to explore Amsterdam but a great option for those that want to unwind before or after hitting the town.

 Tip: There is also a W Hotel for you Bonvoy members within several walking minutes of the Renaissance. Although, this is a bit longer walk from the train station as well as more expensive. But, if you’re interested in another level of luxury using your Bonvoy perks, this is your spot & a great location as well!


Door 74: With no signage its the perfect name as you’d never even see it. In fact they won’t come to the door until they have space, so patience is key! A reservation is best, however, with a small group (2-4 people) you can likely enter the bar with flexible times as it only took us about 20 minutes.  

Once inside, one can order from a number of different signature cocktails (we had 2 that were amazing) or challenge the mixologists to target your personal pallet. You will not be disappointed either way. Our mixologist Tim (Exec Bev Chef) had recently been written up in a local publication for his crafty-ness. 


Rosalia - Menagerie: Another well-located mixology bar that will answer the door based on space, however, this one has a sign, probably because it also serves as a boutique hotel. We were completely unaware they were also a hotel until someone walked out of a secret door within the bar! The staff was quite lovely.


Tales & Spirits: If you take our advice on the Marriott Bonvoy locations, this one is right in your path. Although, not quite as exclusive as the others… we loved our cocktails nonetheless (and our very friendly & hilarious barkeeper, John).  

They have a signature menu but when I presented my own tiki-challenge, John delivered both in presentation & taste!  

Two unique details on this establishment: 1) they have their own package goods store adjacent for great shakers and glassware etc. 2) if you sit at the bar… you can look to your left down another historic alleyway (no shortage) tinted w/ red lights Great 4 pix!


Long Pura: I hadn’t had Indonesian food before this trip. We opted for the rice towers which is what they’re most known for. They include a bowl of rice and about 6-8 small dishes to sample everything from lamb, chicken, beef and veggies with versatile flavors great for sharing,

The entire meal is quite reasonably priced after all the food and drink… however, be patient awaiting your bill as they have a limited staff. We felt is was worth the wait!

Caffé Il Memento: Let it be known there are great café’s everywhere! This one was small, quiet and quaint serving up fresh baked croissants with great coffee. If you’re looking for a Starbucks experience this is NOT the place. But, if you want a quiet coffee while you make your plan for the day or work on your novel… its great!


For our American readers,  imagine New Orleans / Provincetown / Greenwich Village wrapped up into one city (with legal marijuana). The shopping is incredible, especially the vintage shops! Here are a few we recall in particular:


Zipper Vintage Clothing: One of many gently used vintage shops selling common brands in bulk. All of these shops were WELL ORGANIZED in terms of style and color. I myself bought a Levi’s denim jacket (a staple in any closet) for 65 Euros.


Moo!Zo: This one was small, but upscale. Less Levi’s… more John Varvatos. The shop owner was charming, pleasant and very warm. Definitely more female inventory than male in terms of stock. That said, the male pieces I found were SO intriguing I tried on nearly 10 pieces.


Tip: There are SO MANY shops I don’t recommend buying anything unless it fits perfectly, and you REALLY love it.

You have limited space in your bag unless you travel light.!


Anne Frank Museum: It’s hard to imagine such a lovely city (in every way) was conquered by the fanatical tyranny of Nazi Germany. It wasn’t until we left the museum where we recognized sights we had just seen w/ German troops and checkpoints the same, yet peaceful. It’s even harder to imagine a young girl and her family hiding for 2+ years to avoid detection in a series of secret rooms in this very building. Although, her life ended tragically… her dream of becoming a famous writer lives on!

Tips: You must have a reservation to enter and they book up quick! The tour is self-guided w/ audio and takes about an hour. We suggest doing the beginning or end of your day as it contorted our emotions quite a bit.

Debated not including this, but we pride ourselves on being authentic 

We actually took part in very little marijuana but LOVED the effects of hash. It was more intense at first but cooled off quickly allowing us to enjoy our jaunts without feeling ‘burnt out’ and tired. Here are two establishments we tried:

Dampkring: Came highly recommended, didn’t disappoint.

Tweede Kumar: Also, highly recommended from trusted sources, didn’t disappoint.


Red Light District: Although, we didn’t take part in the legal prostitution… it is absolutely part of the allure when touring Amsterdam. In fact, there were red lights just a block from our hotel. Our only request: please be respectful, safe & act accordingly.


-The Gent


PS: One of the most photogenic cities, yet! Great lighting from 5P to almost 10P!

Cheers, gents!

By, Brian McAleer

CEO & Co-Founder

Gent Life


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